Saturday, November 1, 2008

Max's First Halloween

Max celebrated his first Halloween as a pea pod. The cutest darn pea pod ever!!!!

I brought him into school in his costume, and everyone there was just freaking out. I went to work, and we all tried to contain our excitement until I could go pick Max up, Theresa's mom came by with her sons, and Sabrina showed up with Emma. Theresa worked really hard to get the office looking festive, and Robyn made some great contributions including dressing up as a witch.

Everyone gathered at 4pm, and Max and Ethan were asleep by 4:15. Crazy party animals!!!

We had cupcakes, punch, 7 layer bars, popcorn balls with candy corn in them, mexican dip, sugar cookies and tons of candy. Theresa brought play-doh and construction paper and crayons to entertain the kids, and everyone seemed to have a ball. Around 5:30 we were all in our cars headed home and I'm sure everyone was as tired as I was!

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